Sunday, 11 September 2011

Boat at Boat Lane Bridge Weston Sunday Sept 4, 2011

Boat Completed

Radnor is now practically completed, final engineering work to be completed includes - sealing steam condenser and final testing. Screw reverser to be connected by gear boxes so that engine can be reversed from steering position.

Several trials and steamings have been completed and final running configuration, cut off, blower, chimney height finished.

Boat back at Hoo Mill, hoping to take it out again in the next few weekends.

Sunday, 8 May 2011

Nearly Completed

Carpets installed and much of the boat finished. Help applying OSMO onto all the wood - fantastic job. Wood work on doors started and a folding table built. Lots of hard work with little to show. Built a plinth for the bathroom cabinet.

New exhaust pipework fitted to slave engine.

Rubber engine cooling pipework fitted to calorifier and to steam supply and exhaust - hot water after about 30 minutes.

Window treatments to be sorted out asap.

Saturday, 9 April 2011

Domestic stuff rolling in - carpet tiles, mattresses ready for a major push at finishing the inside of the boat, the only items to finish will be the final lining of the doors and fitting locks, bolts etc.

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Boat used

The boat was used today, domestic tanks refilled and water circuits tested. Gas stove tested and working, family visited to brew tea. Shower working and pumping clear. Wood to be rubbed down one last time and the oiled/varnishing etc

Boiler Inspection

Annual inspection undertaken this weekend and boiler passed with flying colours. Excellent.

Saturday, 5 March 2011

Work on engine stopped and transfered all efforts to finish the main cabin, cabin largely completed by March 4, 2011.

Pictures show: part of bathroom, bedroom, galley, engines and front door/main room stove etc